What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Peer Tutoring?
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Peer Tutoring?

Peer tutoring entails students assisting one another in learning and growing.
Peer teaching and learning has grown in popularity in many educational settings in recent decades as a result of numerous proven benefits.
One of the advantages of peer teaching is that it can improve students’ attitudes about what they’re studying and the learning process as a whole.
According to the freelancer working as assignment help and Best Essay Writing Help in Australia, “Research has demonstrated that peer cooperation in a learning setting can promote students’ socio emotional development. This involves developing a stronger sense of self and a more positive attitude toward learning”.
Being taught by a peer helps break down barriers that may exist for otherwise disengaged students. Students may feel more motivated since they are being taught by someone who has learned the topic and is enthusiastic about it.
There is compelling evidence that a smaller student-to-teacher ratio benefits both instructors and children, particularly those aged six to fourteen. It’s easy to understand how greater one-on-one attention from a teacher may benefit individual students. Peer teaching can be done in bigger groups, with peer teachers outnumbering peer learners. This model would most likely be used in a college lecture setting.
Cooperative learning is a form of learning that differs from individualized and competitive learning. In cooperative learning, students work together to increase their grasp of a subject by giving what they can.
- Cooperative learning entails putting students of varying abilities in groups to work together.
- Cooperative learning is fundamentally student-centered; it stands to reason that one of the most significant ways to create an engaging and cooperative learning experience is in a classroom for students and led by students.
It helps each student to have more ownership over their education; this learning structure actively engages students in the learning process. According to research, cooperative learning may lead to increased productivity and performance and more supportive peer connections, improved self-esteem, and general mental and emotional well-being. Exciting things may happen in a classroom when kids feel like they’re on the same team and working toward a shared objective.
Student teaching is used in some educational programs because it may lead to higher academic achievement for students. The impact of peer teaching on student performance is unclear, owing to a lack of study on the topic and the fact that there are so many elements that may influence a student’s level of achievement.
- Higher success is more probable under a peer learning approach that promotes small class sizes or low student-to-teacher ratios, ensuring that each student receives customized assistance.
- Individualized instruction also increases the chances of students with inherent talents excelling beyond the course’s regular learning objectives.
It’s also worth noting that peer teaching is a two-way street. Peer instructors can benefit from participating in the peer learning process as well. You may have observed how teaching a concept or ability to a buddy helps you brush up on knowledge or enhance your skills if you’ve ever done so.
Through the act of transferring their abilities to peers, student teachers can improve their knowledge. Peer leaders can get a more profound knowledge of the topic as they plan courses, answer questions, demonstrate and more. They could even pick up something new from a colleague instructor or student.
On the other hand, peer tutoring might be unproductive and a burden for instructors if the programmer is just an attempt to accomplish more with less due to budget constraints. Quality classroom education should be supplemented, not replaced, by peer tutoring.
Financial and time commitment constraints:
Effective peer tutoring programs need time and effort on the side of the school to establish and sustain. In a 1996 paper in “Higher Education,” researcher K.J. Topping emphasized that peer tutoring necessitates comprehensive peer tutor training, careful matching of tutors to tutees, continuing supervision, and progress tracking.
- Purchase of peer tutoring programmer materials and the cost of employing people to assist instructors in implementing and managing peer tutoring programs are examples of associated expenditures.
- Teachers will have less time to design daily lessons if they do not receive help.
Parents and kids may be skeptical about peer tutoring and need to be persuaded that it is beneficial. Parents may argue that it is not the responsibility of kids to educate other students.
- Parents may be hesitant until proof that peer tutoring may enhance academics and test scores are given.
- Peer tutors may dislike the responsibility or lack empathy for their peers who are suffering.
If most tutors come from a privileged, wealthy background, underprivileged students may feel stereotyped and stigmatized.
Peer learning may improve attitudes and provide a more customized, engaging, and collaborative learning experience, all of which can lead to increased accomplishment. The experience can help peer teachers have a better knowledge of the subject and gain confidence. Let’s look at the advantages of peer teaching in more detail.
With this model, peer instructors may check in on students individually, answer questions, and support each student in the manner they require, including explaining the content in various ways to different students or leading students through a procedure one at a time.
It is a blend of both worlds, and hence it is as benefitting as you want it to be. For more information on peer tutoring, feel free to get in touch with a professional assignment help service offering comprehensive guidance.
About Author:
Aaliyah is a contributing writer to LiveWebTutors. She is a podcaster, style coach and has been a blogger and a professional blogger writing about educational skills, personal development, and motivation since 2010. She operates a team of experts and qualified professionals who will provide high-quality assignment help expert service in USA.