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Three Tools to Help Growing Viewership and Engagement on YouTube Explaining Gaurav Heera

There is no need to sing the praise of video content. A lot of industry experts have already done the same and the rise of platforms like YouTube is ample evidence of the same.

It is, however, interesting to analyze why marketers should consider video content seriously. For years, SEOs have depended on content writers to come up with quality content that lays the groundwork for a prospect to be converted into becoming a customer says Gaurav Heera.

Text or Video?

The textual content has ruled, and to a great extent, it still does. Creating quality written content is much easier (although still difficult) than creating video content. Videos depend on a number of side factors that have to be taken into account. Text, on the other hand, is much easier to create and is driven by the skill of the writer more than anything else.

YouTube is the new game in town and every digital marketer wants a piece of the action. The key is to grow viewership and engagement numbers. We cover three tools that can help multiply YouTube views and engagement.

Despite the convenience of text, marketers are slowly realizing the impact a short video can have. When giving a prospect a 3000-worded content to read, marketers only expect the reader to grasp some of the content. There is a general understanding that information absorption in text is not very high. This is why when marketers have to pay for ad space in newspapers and text ads on the internet. They use large-sized fonts and a direct message to help the audience know the product or service being promoted quickly says Gaurav Heera.

Video does not have that problem. Studies have shown that people on average are able to grasp and absorb information faster than they do through text. Even in digital marketing institutes and other educational setups, video-based education is being given greater attention. People are just better at understanding video content compared to text.

In this scenario, traction on platforms like YouTube can really go a long way. We discuss tools that can help optimize a channel’s viewership and engagement says Gaurav Heera.

Tools That Help Optimize YouTube Views and Engagement

Moving forward, we will discuss three tools marketers can use to enhance their viewership and engagement on YouTube. These are-

  • TubeBuddy – Engaging and interacting with the audience is essential in growing a viewer base. With TubeBuddy, video creators can essentially interact with their audience on a single platform and reply to comments that need replies and follow-ups. Furthermore, Tubebuddy filters comment according to their sentiments as well, which helps creators keep track of people who liked and didn’t like their content.
  • vidIQ – vidIQ is an analytic tool that helps creators track their target audience. It is able to show creators exactly which type of audience is watching the content. With this knowledge, creators can tailor their content to suit the interests of their audience.
  • Google Keyword Planner – Your video title and description need to be optimized with keywords relevant to your content. Only by doing so will the YouTube algorithm be able to place your video content in the right user feeds and SERPs. There is no tool more reliable than good old Google Keyword Planner. We discuss a step-by-step procedure on how to learn digital marketing for free sitting at home.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, we discussed three tools that can be used by video marketers to increase their viewership and engagement on YouTube. For example, when speaking of digital marketing, a student needs to make a list of topics such as SEO, AdWords, social media, email marketing, and so on, and cover each topic in an organized manner. It is advised for students to get a brief idea about each main topic before jumping into the details.

About Gaurav Heera

Gaurav Heera is a content marketing expert & currently working as a corporate trainer at DelhiCourses, known as the best and affordable digital marketing institute in Delhi.


Candice Turner

Candice is the owner of website. Her creative ideas, passion and enthusiasm can be seen in her articles. Keep in touch with her for more interesting and helpful articles.......

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