Revolut Accounts Pay For What You Need

The great feature of Revolut accounts is their system of differentiated levels. Thus, we find three accounts called Revolut Account, Revolut Premium Account and Revolut Metal Account. In each of these we have different benefits that increase as we advance. This means that we can choose the features that we only need.
The Revolut Account is the basis; it is a bank account in the United Kingdom with which we can pay in 150 currencies for free, withdraw cash from any ATM around the world for free and any other transaction that comes to mind without having to pay nothing, no commissions, fees or requirements. It comes with a free debit card, the Revolut Card, with which we can pay at any establishment, also rounding up to save a little more at the end of the month. We have free national and international transfers and interesting options such as easily defining recurring payments.
For $7.99 we can access the buy Revolut bank Accounts, similar to the base account but with extra benefits such as international medical insurance, travel insurance and even use cryptocurrencies . All this with the conditions of the previous card such as free commissions, withdraw money at any ATM, free cards, transfer money, rounded card payments, etc.
If we still want more, we can pay $13.99 per month for the Revolut Metal Account, designed to have all the possible benefits of an online account. In addition to the conditions of the previous accounts we will have a 0.1% refund on any payment in Europe and 1% on purchases outside the continent. It thus becomes a perfect card to travel or buy online outside the country. We will also have access to a personalized financial manager that will help us manage our capital.
With all these conditions and additions such as a simple application and a really simple and fast way to open the account, we are facing one of the best offers on the market in bank Accounts, it has a large number of attractions both for traveling and buying online or managing our finances and always knowing what we pay and why.
How to open a Revolut account
To open a Revolut account we will only have to access its website or app to start the application process. This will be really quick and easy since we will only have to fill out a form with our basic information. Once this is done, we will have our passwords and current account to start operating through its app, available for Android and IOS.
Before doing this, you can go through our online bank account comparator , in which, filtering by characteristics, you will be able to choose the best offer within the entire national catalog, making sure that you choose one adapted to your needs.
If we still want more, we can pay $13.99 per month for the Revolut Metal Account, designed to have all the possible benefits of an online account. In addition to the conditions of the previous accounts we will have a 0.1% refund on any payment in Europe and 1% on purchases outside the continent. It thus becomes a perfect card to travel or buy online outside the country. We will also have access to a personalized financial manager that will help us manage our capital.
With all these conditions and additions such as a simple application and a really simple and fast way to open the account, we are facing one of the best offers on the market in bank Accounts, it has a large number of attractions both for traveling and buying online or managing our finances and always knowing what we pay and why.