Carpet Stain Removal Tips Regarding Pet Stains

If you love animals and have just started to train your pet for going to the toilet, then cleaning pet stains from the carpets, sofas and floors is a burdensome task to perform frequently. Being a pet owner, you must be aware of how difficult it can be to get rid of pet stains and odor from the carpets which are made of fabric material. There are times when drool, pet urine, vomit and faeces dry up and are they are really difficult to remove. Cleaning the carpet on your own requires some energy and time while hiring a professional carpet stain removal specialist will cost somewhat more when you do not have a carpet washer.
Thankfully, there is an effective method to get rid of stains and odors of pets easily from the carpets without spending much. There are different products available and it is quite difficult to find the right one for your need. Go through this blog post to know about the suitable way to remove pet stains from the carpet and easy tips to remember at the time of carpet cleaning.
Tame your pet to stay clean
Talk about bad habits from the first day – You should train your lovely pet to follow the climate of your home from the first day. So, the more responsible you can be, the better will be the chances for your pet to know that carpets are not the place to make dirty.
- For puppies– You need to take out the puppies often as the young ones won’t be able to hold the bladder for more than 30- or 60-minutes tops.
- For cat lovers– There has to be a slight push towards the sandbox that should be enough hint. Cat’s usually have a natural tendency that guides them for soil or sand. If the cat is really silly and does not understand anything, then you may try digging a hole with your finger.
You should send verbal commands, before and after all the time. This enables the pet to know the rules of your home quickly.
Take additional precautions
If you want to keep the carpet protected from daily carpet stain removal by professional carpet cleaners, then you gave to make a clear line between your home and outdoors. You can install a tile gateway for the pets that allow for removing pebbles, dirt, leaves and much more. This way, you can lessen the need for carpet cleaning every time.
You can also put small carpets, mats, old rugs or runners where your pet likes to spend most if the time. So, you can lessen the exposure to fur and other possible risks from the pets. Also, pet mats may help to decrease the burden and using it is a good choice.
Wipe all the pals after every walk – The old pets really pass through a difficult time to become used to wiping paws. If the pet is a few months old only, then practising this habit is somewhat easy. You can make it a ritual every time your pet goes on a walk or goes out which can be a great precaution to avoid mud stains on the clean carpets.
It is suggested to carry an old towel or a rag with a spray bottle and water in range when you enter your home. The pets will learn wiping their paws is an obligatory task with time.
Daily grooming is a healthy habit
You can lessen hair and fur from tangling in the fibers of the carpet by either brushing or grooming your pet at least once a day. Once you execute this rule, the carpets will need less effort for carpet stain removal and time for proper cleaning maintenance.
Thus, it is quite common for people to either forget or skip this habit. When you do it for one week, try to use a latex glove or rubber and fur that can stick easily with static electricity. If you need more effort, you can moisturise a piece of damp cloth or sponge or take a lint roller. Besides, you can even think of buying a pet hair vacuum cleaner and selecting the best odor neutralizer by following the carpet stain removal routine.