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Artificial Grass vs Real Grass: Which One is Better?

Right off the bat in this artificial grass vs. natural grass showdown, pricing is one area where artificial grass shines. This option doesn’t require daily upkeep like lawnmowers, weeding, watering, or spraying; no more hose fountains, gas stations, or weed killers.
Benefits of Artificial Grass
Artificial grass provides a hassle-free solution for large outdoor areas like balconies, roofs, patios, or shady spots, where natural grass can be problematic. Because it requires virtually no maintenance, it’s a more economical choice for those who want the look of grass without all the work.
Another advantage to artificial turf is that its maintenance isn’t affected by the seasons. Even in the dead of winter, when temperatures drop and snow starts to fall, it will look fresh and green. No matter how frosty the weather, your artificial turf may still be pristine and fresh.
You’ll have the same effect as you would have if you used real grass – no more bare patches or green mossy patches. Because artificial grass doesn’t require the same maintenance as natural grass, you may even save money when installing artificial turf and then finding out how much less you need to pay for the real thing!
There’s also no reason why you have to guess at what square footage you need to cover your yard. A quality artificial grass cost calculator will allow you to plug in the dimensions of your yard and see how much grass you’ll need—no more guessing and spending more than you have to. The squarer footage you’re looking to cover, the more the synthetic turf costs.
Synthetic turf require a bit more maintenance than natural grass. When it comes to fertilizing and mowing, you have to take it outside every couple of weeks, which could become problematic during bad weather or if you have a severe snowstorm.
However, with fake grass, you can leave it alone throughout the winter season and only bring it inside to be cleaned before spring. This can help you save money during the winter while you don’t have to worry about mowing and fertilizing.
Way to Lower Your Artificial Grass Costs
One big reason cost calculatoris so helpful is because they allow you to customize your lawn. No two cards are alike, after all, so why make your outdoor area resemble theirs? You can choose various colors and patterns that will genuinely make your grass replica reach a natural-looking lawn.
You can also get accessories to make it more appealing, including landscaping and mulch. This added attraction will make your investment last for many years.
Another way to lower your artificial grass costs is by learning how much water it will require each week. While this doesn’t mean you have to skip showers and baths, you should calculate how much water you will use before installing the lawn.
If you think it’s worth it to you to spend a bit on weekly watering, then, by all means, do so. However, if you can’t stand the thought of your lawn being in constant drought, mowing in different intervals throughout the season is a great alternative.
Factors on Which Selection of Grass Depends
Selection of grass is largely dependent on the look you want for your lawn. Do you want a formal look or a laid-back one? Do you want rounded blades or pointed blades? Or do you want a vigorous look or a leisurely look? Your decision can affect how much you’ll need to invest in artificial grass, too, as the overall look can dramatically affect your mowing costs.
Finally, your geographical location and climate play a significant role in which type of grass will work for you. For example, if you live in an area that experiences colder temperatures during the middle of the winter season, buying fake turf might be a better option than natural grass.
This will help you avoid shoveling snow and keeping your property icy cold, which could quickly happen if you used real snow instead.
Suppose you don’t have access to cheap synthetic lawn equipment. In that case, natural grass might be a better choice for you, as it can withstand cold and frosty conditions without deteriorating.