6 Basic Different Types of Sorting Algorithms You Should Know
6 Basic Different Types of Sorting Algorithms You Should Know

Are you wondering about the sorting algorithm? What is it? What are its types? And more. If yes, then don’t worry!
In this blog, we will discuss sorting algorithms and 6 basic different types of sorting algorithms. Let’s start with the definition of sorting algorithms.
Sorting is the process of organizing items in a specific order. It is used to rearrange the elements of an array or list based on a comparison operator on the elements. The comparison operator is used to determine the new order of elements.
Sorting has a lot of applications in computer science as it can help in reducing algorithmic complexity.
You will be shocked when you understand how useful sorting algorithms are in the real world. The following are some of the best real-life examples of sorting algorithms:
- In television programming, Bubble Sorting is used to arrange channels based on audience viewing time!
- External merge sort is used by databases to sort amounts of data that are too huge to store completely in memory!
- Sports scores are arranged in real-time using a rapid sort algorithm!
Now let’s start discussing the different types of Sorting Algorithms.
6 Basic Different Types Of Sorting Algorithms
There are a variety of sorting methods and strategies used in the data processing. It is not only used for sorting algorithms but also for measuring the performance of other algorithms.
There are two types of sorting algorithms;
- Simple Sorts
- Efficient Sorts
Simple Sorts: These methods are good for little amounts of data. But it is not suitable for big amounts of data. Because of its little overhead, they are quick and efficient. Insertion sort and selection sort are the two most basic sort algorithms.
- Insertion Sorts
It is the most basic sorting algorithm. It works on small and sorted lists rapidly. It gets elements from the list one by one. Then place them in the new sorted list in the correct order. Shell sort is a different type of insertion sort that is better for huge lists.
Insertion sort algorithm moves an element from the unsorted to the sorted part, until the entire list is sorted.
- Selection Sorts
It is another sort of algorithm. Selection Sorts compares a single element to the rest of the elements in lists. It is inefficient on huge lists and is only used in complex algorithms. It is the same as insertion sort but uses fewer swaps. As a result, it is handy for programs that have expensive swaps.
- Bubble Sort Algorithm
It is the most fundamental sorting algorithm. It compares the set of adjacent elements of an array. If the order is incorrect, it replaces the elements simply.
It repeats the loop n times if the array has n elements. Each repetition places one element at the end of the array in the correct order.
Efficient Sorts: Efficient sorts are the majority of practical sorting algorithms. It is based on algorithms that have average time complexity. The most common efficient sorts are Merge sort, heap sort, and quicksort.
These algorithms can be used on big lists and complex applications. But each has its own set of disadvantages and benefits. Some algorithms may demand more space or repetitions, which results in more complex algorithms.
Let’s take a look at these 3 efficient sorts.
- Merge Sort
This sorting algorithm contrasts two elements in the lists. After that, it swaps them in ascending or descending order. Merge sort follows the divide and rule strategy. It is a sequential access sort that can handle large lists.
The merge sort algorithm is quite popular. As it is used in the sophisticated algorithm Timsort.
- Heap Sort
It is an advanced and efficient type of sorting algorithm. It also compares the elements and puts them in ascending and descending order. But this is only done with the help of a data structure known as Heap. Heap is a specific tree-based structure. The properties of the heap are as follows;
- Heap is a complete tree.
- The value of the root is greater than that of any other element in the subtree.
- Quicksort Algorithm
It is just like a Merge Sort. Quicksort algorithm also uses the divide and rule technique. Consequently, Quicksort is a recursive algorithm. But, quicksort works differently in the comparison of Merge Sort. The work in the merge sort is done in the combined stage rather than the division stage. In quicksort, on the other hand, everything happens during the division stage.
To conclude, we have discussed 6 basic different types of sorting algorithms. We learned some basic and highly used different types of sorting algorithms. There are only a few that we have discussed above. There are many more sorting algorithms. So, I hope now you understand the different types of sorting algorithms.
- What are the 5 classifications of sorting?
Answer: Following are some adaptive sorting algorithms;
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Quick Sort
On the other hand, the following are some non-adaptive sorting algorithms;
- Selection Sort
- Merge Sort
- Heapsort
- Which one is the best sorting algorithm?
Answer: Quicksort is the best sorting algorithm. It is one of the most efficient sorting algorithms. It is one of the most used sorting algorithms as well.
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