What documents do I need to apply for UK spouse visa?

When a UK citizen or a settled individual marries or enter a civil partnership outside the UK or an immigrant residing in the UK, they become eligible to apply for a UK spouse visa or civil partnership visa.
The thing is that none of us wants to live without our partners ever and well the UK government understands that just like any other government in the world and hence, they introduced the UK spouse visa.
You can find all requirements for a spouse visa listed under Appendix FM. FM here stands for family members. There are suitability requirements, validity requirements, and a few others.
To enter or stay in the UK as the accomplice of a British resident or settled individual, candidates should likewise have the option to show that.
- they are in an authentic and remaining alive relationship;
- they meet the monetary necessity; and
- they meet the necessary degree of English language
The monetary prerequisite, which is frequently the most perplexing necessity to fulfil, can be met in various ways. Candidates should show that, as a base, their accomplice has a yearly pay of at any rate £18,600 or that the candidate and their accomplice have reserve funds of at any rate £62,500.
Note that the candidate’s own pay must be considered if the candidate is living and working in the UK legitimately. The monetary necessity increments if any dependant youngsters are to be incorporated with the application. You can also consult an immigration solicitor to further understand the details.
If you qualify and can provide evidence for all the above mentioned things then you can start making your application for a UK spouse visa.
Now, all the processes are online and hence, even the application for a UK spouse visa can now be made online. You will also have to go and submit your biometric details as that is one process that still cannot be undertaken virtually.
You will have to follow the application order step by step and be careful while adding the documents as if you miss even one of the documents then your application will be rejected and you will have wasted your money. You do not get any refunds.
Also, if the individual who is handling your case feels that you and your partner are not telling the truth or if they have any doubts regarding any other details you have mentioned then you might also be called for an interview process to prove your validity. It can be the deciding factor for your application approval. You can ask an immigration solicitor to help you prepare for the interview or appointment.
Now, moving forward let us talk about the costs that are involved while making this application. Of course, if you hire an immigration solicitor then their fees will be one cost. However, we would like to state that hiring an immigration solicitor increases your chances of getting your application approved in one go as they are experienced and know the nitty-gritty details of the application process.
Now, moving to the fees. The cost of the application is as follows:
The fees are £1033 and £1523 are the fees according to the fact if you are making the application from in or outside of the UK.
There might be some additional costs like £19.20 for your biometric information. You will also have to pay the health surcharge whatever may be the amount at the time you making the application.
So, we hope you will soon make your UK spouse visa application and will go and live with your partner in the UK.
If you have more information related to visa or law than write for us law.