If you want to write a persuasive essay, you’ll first need to think about the topic, which is what you’re trying to persuade someone else about. Then, you’ll need to consider how that information might be best presented—whether it’s through an argument or description. Finally, you’ll have to consider who will be reading your persuasive piece and how they’re likely to respond based on their identity and background .
When writing any type of content for publication—including essays, blog posts, or reviews—it’s important not only what you’re saying but also how well it’s said. A great way for writers of any persuasion skill level (in either prose or poetry) to improve their skills is by practicing with different types of topics. Below we’ve collected some tips on how best use these techniques while writing persuasive pieces:
Switch up the style of your headline.
You may have heard it before, but here’s the deal: headlines can be persuasive. They’re meant to draw people in and make them curious about what you have to say. So why not try something different? You could use a question headline (“How To Write A Good Persuasive Topic”) or an exclamation point (“Write A Great Persuasive Topic!”), or any number of other ways to attract attention—and then keep their attention with your content.
Another option is using a command statement at the end of your article: “Write Well!” or “Read This Article To Improve Your Writing Skills.” This will not only give readers something concrete they can work towards, it also makes them feel like they’ve been given permission by the author (and yourself) to try harder at being better writers themselves.
There are many kinds of persuasive topics out there; just make sure whatever style you choose fits into one category rather than another so that when someone reads through it all together they’ll know what exactly kind of article this was supposed to be from second glance alone
Lead with a question.
The first thing you should do is lead with a question. This helps keep your audience engaged and makes them want to read more of your article.
When you lead with a question, it sets up the rest of your writing: You can use it as a way to set up your thesis statement or frame the article (see below). A good question will also get readers thinking about something that they hadn’t before!
Try a simple headline.
The first step in writing a good persuasive topics is to come up with an appealing headline. A good headline will help your audience understand what you’re going to talk about and make it easier for them to get interested in the rest of your article.
- Make sure that the headline is clear and concise, so that readers don’t have any trouble understanding it after reading through the first few sentences of text below.
- Choose words carefully; you want them to be easy enough for anyone who doesn’t know much English as well as those who do (ease of comprehension is important!).
- Use questions if possible, rather than statements or commands (which we’ll talk about later).
- Try not just choosing one kind of word over another but also varying between some different ones instead; this will add variety into what might otherwise feel like just another boring listicle!
Paraphrase and reword long sentences and phrases.
- Paraphrase and reword long sentences and phrases.
- Use shorter words, sentences and paragraphs.
- Use active voice instead of passive voice (e.g., Instead of “The writer was angry with himself for doing it again” write “He was angry that he had done it again).
- Try to use one word instead of two or three; for example: instead of “I can’t find my keys” write “I didn’t find my keys.”
Use an active voice instead of passive voice.
Active voice is more direct and forceful. Passive voice is indirect and less forceful.
Examples of passive voice:
- “The ball was thrown by the pitcher.”
- “The pitcher threw the ball.”
Make it as clear, concise, and possible.
- Make it as clear, concise, and possible.
- Use simple words.
- Use short sentences.
- Use active voice whenever possible (i.e., instead of using “is”, use “does”).
Use succinct wording, sentences, and paragraphs.
- Use succinct wording, sentences and paragraphs.
- Write in the active voice (the subject performs an action).
- Use the present tense when describing events that are happening now or have just happened; use past tense for events that were completed in the past.
- Use imperative moods to state commands or requests—for example, “I want you to go home.”
Provide some facts and statistics to support your thesis statement.
The best way to support your thesis statement is by providing some facts and statistics to back it up. This can be done through research, or even just by making an educated guess based on what you’ve learned from reading the article or book.
- First, look for evidence that supports the truthfulness of your claim. If a particular argument seems unsupportable (or even contradictory), try finding other sources that offer evidence for both sides of the debate.
- Second, cite any sources used in researching those facts so others can find them as well! It’s easy enough: just put “(source)” at the end of each sentence where you used one or more specific sources—and then skip over anything else until after those parenthetical tags have been added (so they don’t interrupt whatever sentence comes next).
Cite your sources using footnotes or endnotes at the bottom of each page or at the end of the entire article.
Footnotes are used to give additional information, show where the information can be found and provide a reference. If you use footnotes in your writing, it is important that you cite them at the bottom of each page or at the end of the entire article. This will allow readers with access to this resource to easily find it again if they want more details on how you used your sources and what they say about them.
Follow proper essay format, including a title page and bibliography in addition to intro, body, and conclusion paragraphs.
A well-written persuasive essay is a blend of information, examples and arguments. To ensure that your essay flows smoothly, follow the proper format.
- The introduction should be short and informative. It should include an overview of the topic and clarify what you intend to discuss in the body paragraphs.
- The body paragraphs contain supporting details or details that support or refute your main idea(s). Make sure you include them in order from strongest support for it (topic sentence) down to weakest support for it (conclusion). For example: “In this article I will discuss how violence can be prevented through education.” Or: “I will provide evidence showing that people who are not educated about violence are more likely than those who know about it.”
- In addition to supporting ideas in each paragraph, make sure there is also a concluding sentence at the end which restates what you’ve said previously (i.,e., when writing conclusion paragraphs).
It’s important to write clearly and concisely in persuasive writing
When writing a persuasive topic, it’s important to make sure that you are clear and concise. This can be achieved by:
- Being specific. If your target audience doesn’t understand what you’re saying, then they won’t be able to act on it. For example, if someone is trying to convince someone else that they should stop smoking cigarettes and instead start using e-cigarettes instead of tobacco products, then the second person would probably need more information about how these devices work before making any decisions about whether or not they’d like them for themselves (or their loved ones).
- Using simple language and short sentences whenever possible so readers can easily understand what exactly is being conveyed in each paragraph/sentence without having too much trouble following along with everything said within those boundaries set forth by the writer himself/herself.”
Writing good persuasive topics is a skill that you’ll use when you write other types of papers. The most important thing to remember is that you need to take the time to ensure your message is clear and concise before sharing it with others.