Seek Guidance For Legal Forum of Online Marriage in Pakistan

Forum of Online Marriage in Pakistan:
To apply for online marriage in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan on appropriate forum, you may contact Jamila Law Associates. The Way of Online Marriage Registration in Pakistan & Procedure of Online marriage Registration in Pakistan is not a very complicated. The Online marriage Procedure in Pakistan & Procedure of Online Marriage in Pakistan is very for lovers. No misreading or non-reading of evidence by both the Courts below while recording their respective judgments was found on online marriage in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan.
Constitutional Petition:
The constitutional petition was dismissed in the circumstances. Dispute relating to false marriage Jurisdiction was resolved. If it questioned marriage on the ground of fraud or misrepresentation, Legislature had provided that it should prepare four Copies of Nikahnama; one was to be kept by the Registrar of Nikah. The second one is to be sent to the concerned Municipal Corporation Municipal Committee, or Union Council for online marriage in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan. The case may be a third copy was to be supplied to the bride.
Family Court:
Family Court could not question the validity of such marriage, nor would any evidence be admissible before such Court. However, it did not prevent the party to the wedding from leading evidence to show that a marriage did not take place as alleged or that it had perpetrated fraud against the party, or that it also forged their signature on the suspected Nikahnama on online marriage in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan. Such remedy is not barred by 233 Two “Nikahnamas” were registered. Wife filed suit for jactitation of marriage shown less than one “Nikahnama” Challenge was thrown to a Nikahnama owned by the man and woman who claimed to be husband and wife.
Presumption of truth:
Presumption of truth is attached to Nikahnama acknowledged by both spouses.” Nikkah performed during the age of minority of wife, could be legitimately repudiated on attaining puberty and in such-like situations, S.23, West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964, was no bar for online marriage in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan. It found no fault or illegality in the approach and judgment of the lower Appellate Court. The petition was dismissed accordingly.
Court Marriage in Pakistan:
Nikahnama of online marriage in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan whether a public document. Nikah Registrar’s duty and system of remuneration make him a public officer and “Nikaenama” a public document. Therefore, a certified, it can produce a certified copy of “Nikahnama in evidence, and the absence of rebuttal would hold the ground. Nikahnama is a public document, and a copy thereof I.S. admissible and sufficient evidence to prove the factum of NIkah between the parties after online marriage in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan. Thus, the Court below committed no misreading or non-reading of evidence concluding that a valid Nikah did exist between parties.
West Pakistan Family Court:
Comments The West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964, cannot be interpreted to extend it to appeals or revisions, but S. 25 applies to a Family Court that was first deemed a District Court. It then shall follow procedure” when conducting a trial, as prescribed in Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 and not in West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1965 for online marriage in Pakistan or court marriage in Pakistan. Therefore, 25, West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964 does not apply to higher forums, particularly High Court, when dealing with an appeal or revision Revisional forum under S. 41, Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 was thus excluded from the ambit of S. 25, West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964-High Court.