10 Best Blockchain Certifications and Courses in 2022

We have all heard about the blockchain technology in connection to the bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. Although it gained prominence as a means to power the bitcoin in 2009, it has since revolutionized the Block chain is a decentralized, distributed ledger that was primarily used to record and keep track of digital transactions and other digital assets. However, since the technology guarantees a highly secure environment, the technology has been developed into a cutting-edge technology that has been used to secure data and store sensitive information in businesses spanning various sectors like healthcare, government, education, insurance and so on. Thus, individuals with blockchain skills and knowledge are highly valued as the technology has paved for revolutionizing the way we handle data and conduct business.
Obtaining Blockchain certification provides you with the abilities, knowledge base, and hands-on experience necessary to make a smooth transition into the realm of blockchain and pursue a successful career in this field.
The blockchain market is expected to reach USD 39.7 billion by 2025, at a growth rate of 67.3 percent, indicating the increased adoption of blockchain applications.
Here are some of the best Blockchain certification programs that will allow you to be a part of the blockchain revolution.
1. Blockchain Professional Certificate Program:
This is a four-month program run in conjunction with IIT Kanpur. This program is intended for executives. This blockchain course provides students with a high-engagement learning experience through real-world applications of blockchain technology in industries such as healthcare, supply chain management, and finance. The blockchain certification program walks students through the fundamentals of the technology before moving on to cover all of the technical and functional aspects needed to build any blockchain solution using the most effective tools and procedures currently available on the market. Participants in this program will build smart contracts, bitcoin wallets, create transactions, and learn more about fabricode. The Professional Blockchain Certification Program offered by Simplilearn capitalizes on IIT Kanpur’s academic prowess in the field of blockchain technology. Through an innovative bootcamp format, this program provides students with essential skills. In addition, Career Karma has named the Blockchain Professional Certificate Program the best coding bootcamp.
2. Simplilearn teaches the fundamentals of blockchain technology. If You Wish to Work as a Blockchain Developer
By providing an introduction to blockchain, this program will help you cut through the noise that surrounds blockchain, Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies. Learn about blockchain technology and its fundamental platforms, as well as how to use essential tools like Ganache, Truffle, MetaMask, and Geth. You will also be able to create Ethereum apps and set up a localized private network for your business using Hyperledger Composer.
3. Simplilearn’s Blockchain Tutorial for Beginners to Advanced Level
These are tutorials that cover and explain the fundamentals, tools and terminologies associated with blockchain.
4. Caltech provides an online Blockchain Bootcamp.
During this Bootcamp, you will learn how to build, create, and manage smart contracts, as well as how to create Public and Enterprise Blockchains, as well as Ethereum, Hyperledger, Multichain, and other related topics.
5. Blockchain Technologies: Business Innovation and Application Online Short Course:
Earning a digital certificate of completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management, one of the world’s most prestigious business schools, is an excellent way to demonstrate and be recognized for your expertise. This course also counts toward an MIT Sloan Executive Certificate, which can be obtained after completing four MIT Sloan courses: three from the certificate track of your choice and one on-campus course.
- This class is spread out over 6 weeks, with an estimated weekly study time of 6 to 8 hours.
- This course is delivered to you in our Self-Paced Online format, allowing you to work at your own pace through weekly modules at any time that is convenient for you.
- You will learn using a variety of mediums, including interactive videos, practice quizzes, presentations, assignments, and discussion forums.
- You will have access to a Success Adviser who will assist you with any administrative or technical questions you may have, as well as help you manage your time more effectively.
- Upon successful completion of the course, you will be awarded a certificate of completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management.
6. UCI Blockchain Technologies
The curriculum for the UCI Blockchain Bootcamp was developed collaboratively by Blockchain industry professionals, business owners, fintech experts, and technology consultants to ensure that our program covers a wide range of topics. This bootcamp was designed specifically for professionals working in accounting, technology, business, the legal field, and the financial technology industry.
7. UCI Blockchain Bootcamp by UCI Division of Continuing Education
This is a live event held online by the UCI Division of Continuing Education. you can join the session for free using the linked text above.
8. A 6-week online certificate program has been launched. Wharton’s Economics of Blockchain and Digital Assets:
Wharton’s Economics of Blockchain and Digital Assets program is the world’s first executive education course focusing on the economics of blockchain and digital assets. The course teaches participants how to assess the worth of new technologies in order to capitalize on opportunities for business growth. This course is designed for growth-oriented professionals such as financial analysts and advisors, business and technology consultants, and professionals in related fields. This product’s target audience includes people who work in industries such as banking and financial services, consulting, media and telecommunications, energy, automotive, health care and pharma, and consumer goods.
9. IIT Kanpur’s Introduction to Blockchain (M):
You will learn how Blockchain Technology can share data among institutions and provide a secure platform, as well as how Institutional Technology is being used on the basis of Blockchain Tchnology. The goal of E & ICT Academy is to bridge the gap between the academic approach to electronics and ICT domains that educational institutions currently provide and the practically oriented approach that industry requires.
10. Innovation in Business Through Blockchain Technology
To prove your competence and gain recognition, consider earning a digital certificate of completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management, one of the most prestigious business schools in the world. This course counts toward the MIT Sloan Executive Certificate, which requires completion of three courses in the certificate track of your choice and one course taught on the MIT campus in order to earn.